Known for their endurance and thick double coat, Siberian Huskies are bred for cold climates. They have a strong work ethic and are accustomed to snowy environments.
Originally bred as sled dogs, Alaskan Malamutes have a thick coat and a powerful build, making them well-adapted to cold weather.
With a thick, heavy coat, Bernese Mountain Dogs thrive in colder climates. They are large and sturdy dogs that were originally bred for working on farms in Switzerland.
These gentle giants have a thick, water-resistant coat that helps insulate them in cold weather. Newfoundland dogs are known for their strong swimming abilities.
With a dense, fluffy coat and a friendly temperament, Samoyeds are well-suited for cold climates. They were originally bred by the Samoyede people of Siberia as herding and sled dogs.
Famous for their search and rescue efforts in the Swiss Alps, Saint Bernards have a thick coat to protect them from cold temperatures. They are large, gentle dogs with a strong sense of loyalty.
Originating from the mountainous regions of Japan, Akitas have a thick double coat that keeps them warm in cold weather. They are intelligent, loyal, and independent dogs.
This ancient breed from the Himalayas has a thick, weather-resistant coat and a strong build. Tibetan Mastiffs are known for their protective nature and ability to withstand extreme cold.
Originally used for hunting large game in the cold forests of Norway, Norwegian Elkhounds have a dense, weather-resistant coat.
Originally used for hunting large game in the cold forests of Norway, Norwegian Elkhounds have a dense, weather-resistant coat.