The 7 Best Plants to Grow in Your Container Garden

Petunias: These cheerful annuals come in a wide variety of colors and bloom profusely all summer long. They're relatively low-maintenance and do well in both sun and partial shade.

Dwarf sunflowers: These compact sunflowers are perfect for smaller containers. They produce cheerful yellow blooms that will brighten up any space. Dwarf sunflowers are also relatively easy to care for and don't require a lot of water.

Succulents: These trendy plants are all the rage, and for good reason! They're low-maintenance, drought-tolerant, and come in a variety of shapes and colors. Succulents are also easy to propagate, so you can quickly create a whole collection.

Coleus: This versatile plant is known for its stunning foliage, which comes in a kaleidoscope of colors. Coleus is relatively easy to care for and does well in both sun and shade.

Geraniums: These classic flowers are a reliable choice for container gardens. They bloom prolifically all summer long and come in a wide variety of colors. Geraniums are also relatively pest- and disease-resistant.

Nasturtiums: These cheerful annuals are easy to grow and produce edible flowers and seeds. Nasturtiums come in a variety of colors and attract pollinators to your garden.

Sweet alyssum: This fragrant annual is a great choice for edging container gardens. Sweet alyssum produces tiny white flowers that have a honey-like scent. It's also relatively low-maintenance and does well in both sun and partial shade.