8 Important Things Doctors Always Do When They Travel To Avoid Getting Sick

Masking in Transit: Doctors emphasize wearing masks in airports and on planes to reduce the risk of germ transmission. High-quality masks like N95s are recommended for crowded spaces.

Hand Hygiene: Frequent handwashing and carrying hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol are crucial for preventing the spread of germs. Disinfecting shared surfaces in transit is also advised.

Staying Hydrated: Maintaining hydration, especially on long flights, is a priority. Doctors recommend starting well-hydrated, avoiding alcohol on planes, and even using electrolytes for added hydration.

Immune System Boosters: Doctors take preemptive measures like nasal mists, vitamin C tablets, and nasal saline sprays to boost the immune system before boarding, considering the dry plane cabin environment.

Avoiding Peak Travel Times: Traveling during non-peak times, such as mid-morning or midday, is suggested to minimize exposure to crowds and reduce stress during transit.

Prioritizing Rest: Adequate rest before and during the flight is crucial for a strong immune system. Doctors recommend sleeping when appropriate during travel and allowing time for recovery upon return.

Eating a Balanced Diet: Doctors emphasize a well-balanced diet leading up to and during travel to support the immune system. Packing healthy snacks and staying hydrated with a refillable water bottle are recommended.

Not Overscheduling: Stress reduction is vital for maintaining health. Doctors advise against overscheduling trips to allow for enjoyment and flexibility, as stress can impact the immune system.