8 Foods That Were Staples for Our Grandparents But Not for Us

Hogshead Cheese

Hogshead cheese, like head cheese, is prepared from the head, feet, and occasionally even the heart of the pig. These components come together in a spicy jelly to create a dish that is frequently difficult for modern palates to enjoy.

Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil was a common supplement in many homes, even though it wasn't really food. These days, fish oil supplements provide a less repulsive option; they come in capsule form, so you can stop using the tablespoon of oil.

Lard Sandwiches

An easy supper, if not very nutritional, was a slice of bread spread in grease. Nowadays, most people find it strange to consume a lard sandwich because there are so many healthier fat options available.

Pickled Pigs’ Feet

Pigs' feet, a byproduct of processing pork, were frequently pickled and kept in jars for later use. Although some regional American cuisines still love this meal, it has virtually vanished from mainstream eating habits since it is too odd by today's standards.

Jellied Eels

Jellied eels are primarily British, they have also appeared on American dinner tables. The meat of the eel was cooked in a stock that, when cooled, solidified into a jelly-like state. Eating jellied eels is not appealing to the majority of modern Americans.

Head Cheese

This meal, which is sometimes seasoned and spiced with vegetables, is more similar to a chilled meatloaf than it is to any dairy product. The majority of modern diners would proceed cautiously.

Suet Pudding

Suet, a firm animal fat, was a staple in steamed or boiled puddings and was widely consumed. The unique flavor character of these rich, hefty pastries would probably be too much for today's consumers used to lighter cuisine.

Tongue Sandwiches

Sheep or cow tongue, sliced and cooked, was typically eaten with horseradish or mustard between slices in bread. With the exception of niche restaurants, this protein source has mostly lost popularity and is rarely found on contemporary menus.