Without a doubt, the singapura is the world's tiniest cat breed. Their large eyes and ears give them a lifelong kitten-like appearance, which is what makes them particularly adorable.
Not only are munchkin cats tiny, but they are also very short. Because of their tiny legs, this breed is sometimes referred to as the "sausage cat" or the "dachshund of the cat world".
No, this isn't a conundrum. This ends up with a cat called a dwelf, named for the way it looks like a dwarf elf. The dwelf is a small breed of designer cat with hairless body, curled ears, and short legs.
An all-American cat breed called the American curl is distinguished by its unusual backward-curling ears. The reason so many people are drawn to these cats is that they are typically quite amiable and cuddly.
Though they may not appear to be the tiniest cat breed, the graceful balinese cat breed is actually quite petite beneath all that fur. These cats are not from Bali, despite what their moniker might imply.
One of the rare cat breeds that behaves like a dog is the Devon rex, despite being much smaller than most dogs. Inquisitive, perceptive, nimble, energetic, and weighing no more than ten pounds.
An old cat breed that is well-known for enjoying swimming is the Turkish angora. Should you choose to adopt one of these tiny felines, you may discover that they will gladly splash around in their water dish or your bathtub.