It has long been believed that peach trees require a greenhouse to be grown as a crop. Newer cultivars, on the other hand, are perfect for colder climes; you can have ripe, luscious apricots even in a tiny backyard.
A fig tree can add a Mediterranean feel to any garden, no matter how little; in colder climates, they can still produce a healthy harvest of figs. Growing figs, with their enormous and lobed foliage, also provide structural design components in a given space.
Another tree that can give a room a Mediterranean vibe is the lemon tree, which is perfect for compact spaces. Lemon trees can have both flowers and fruit at the same time. The fragrant blooms and fruit grow.
One of the best trees to espalier are apple trees, and producing fruit in such controlled shapes is a terrific method to acquire a lot of fruit in a small area. A family apple tree is another contemporary fruit-growing variety.
Although mature olive trees can reach enormous sizes, smaller backyards can accommodate dwarf kinds, and olives can be kept smaller with consistent trimming.
Pomegranates are a charming small flowering shrub with young leaves that are first coppery-red, then turn bright green, and in the fall, they turn yellow. In the summer, they also bear spherical orange-yellow fruit .
When you grow citrus trees, like oranges, you can savor the wonderful acidic fruit that follows the fragrant spring blossom. Small yellow-orange fruits are produced by the Calamondin Orange Tree.